

Check our quick FAQs for our most popular answers to your questions. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact us today and we will be sure to answer any questions you might have.


While we do like traveling in the mountains with kids, many of our hikes can be quite long. For that reason we have an age limit of 12 and up to keep our trips flowing and enjoyable for all.

All of our trips (except Summits and Sunsets) will operate rain or shine. However, on the odd occasion our guides will make the decision to cancel a trip if it is deemed unsafe due to extreme weather.

Mountain weather can be very unpredictable and for that reason we ask that you are prepared for everything. On all of our booking pages there is a detailed “What to bring” list. Be sure to read the trip descriptions and if you have any questions please contact us any time. We use several different tools to build specific forecasts for our trips. We will send you a weather update approximately 24hrs before your trip - check your email the night before!

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Any Questions

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