Deb from Edmonton reached out to Playwest to see if we could get her and her sisters out for some adventures. Of course we said yes!
Deb explained that her mom and sisters get together annually at Deb’s cabin in the Columbia Valley for a ladies trip in August. A typical trip involved days spent at the lake taking in all the sun they could, some shopping, dining at some of our local restaurants and a little bit of exploring the area. When we spoke over the phone Deb wanted to surprise the team with something a “little bit different and not too challenging”.
Naturally I suggested our Summits and Sunsets program. “Did you say Cheese Fondue while watching the sun go down?” A question we get a lot when this trip gets brought up. “Ummmm yaaaa! Let’s do it!”
On a warm sunny evening Playwest picked up this group of 4 very boisterous ladies and started the exciting drive to the trailhead. Now this drive is not for the faint of heart and the ladies sure let me know it. Several times between belly busting laughs Sandra, Debs mom, had to be convinced that we indeed were going to make it to the trailhead and not “fall off the mountain”. After a 25 min drive we made the trailhead and began the hiking portion of the trip. A short 25 mins later traveling through old growth forest, Yellow Columbines and the last of the Brown Eyed Susans we made our destination.
While the ladies were taking in a spectacular sunset, Chris their guide was busy “setting the table”. The highlight of this trip is not just the sunset, it’s the traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue. This national Swiss tradition is a sign of unity and is a great way to bring people together to socialize and connect. What better place to do it then atop a mountain watching the sun go down.
The ladies and I shared many stories, some terrible jokes and non stop laughter. They lived up to this mountain tradition of coming together. With the last of the sunset, full bellies and new found connection to the outdoors that they may not have had hanging out in the valley bottom, we set out for home…down Sandra’s terrifying road.
Cheese Fondue on the top of a mountain, why not!